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Home>News>Giuliano Cameroni apre Blade Runner 8C
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Giuliano Cameroni apre Blade Runner 8C

"Blade Runner" è il nuovo blocco estremo aperto da Giuliano Cameroni a Rocky Mountain National Park. Secondo lui il grado potrebbe aggirarsi su 8C o poco meno.

"beautiful moves, start on the obvious jug and climb up and right till the big rail of jade, then same topout. was close on the direct proj but the crux foot got smashed off the wall before I got another chance.. a horrible act of jealousy.. felt a notch harder than domestic cat and jade, so low end or slash grade seems appropriate. time will tell"

Precedentemente Giuliano aveva ripetuto due altri difficili blocchi dell'area: "Jade" e "Domestic Cat", entrambi 8B+.
(da 8a.nu)
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