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Home>News>Isabelle Faus su The Wheel of Fortune 8B
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Isabelle Faus su The Wheel of Fortune 8B

Un altro 8B per Isabelle Faus che risolve "The Wheel of Fortune", in Clear Creek Canyon.
Nella stessa area sale anche "No half way Crooks", il suo 35° 8A+.
Tra i blocchi da lei risolti finora troviamo un totale di 17 8B e 2 8B+.

"It took me probably five sessions. I felt really close from the beginning, but there was one move that I couldn't do correctly on the try. Once I did it right I did it."

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Disponibile sul canale YouTube di Mellow il video relativo alla salita (nella scorsa primavera) di "Delusion of Grandeur".

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