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Jakob Schubert flash su Catalan Witness the Fitness
Strepitosa performance per Jakob Schubert che alla Cova del Ocell risolve flash "Catalan Witness the Fitness", linea aperta nel 2016 da Chris Sharma, finora valutata 8C.
Jakob sottolinea la bellezza del blocco ma ritiene che il grado più corretto possa essere 8B+.
"'Catalan Witness the Fitness' FLASH
What a day! Since our flights are quite late we decided to stop at Cova del ocell before heading to the airport.
I already thought this boulder would fit me very well (steep climbing on crimps) and I was right. With the perfect support from @janhojer and @marcojubes I was able to flash it, thanks a lot buddies
This boulder has been called fb 8c in the past but as nice as a 8c flash sounds I can't agree, guess it is more like low end 8b+. But who cares, I was very positively surprised how good the rock was and how natural and well this boulder climbs! So psyched!!!!"
Jakob sottolinea la bellezza del blocco ma ritiene che il grado più corretto possa essere 8B+.
"'Catalan Witness the Fitness' FLASH
What a day! Since our flights are quite late we decided to stop at Cova del ocell before heading to the airport.
I already thought this boulder would fit me very well (steep climbing on crimps) and I was right. With the perfect support from @janhojer and @marcojubes I was able to flash it, thanks a lot buddies
This boulder has been called fb 8c in the past but as nice as a 8c flash sounds I can't agree, guess it is more like low end 8b+. But who cares, I was very positively surprised how good the rock was and how natural and well this boulder climbs! So psyched!!!!"
(da Instagram)