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Home>News>Gabriele Moroni in Val Daone
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Gabriele Moroni in Val Daone

Visita di Gabriele Moroni in Val Daone, un luogo che sembra apprezzare particolarmente, nel quale risolve tre 8A+: "L'avenir nous reserve rien de bon", "Big Bamboo" e "Skydive", seguiti da "Orkaloka", secondo lui l'8A più bello della valle.

"I don't know why I haven't spent more time here in the last years, the valley is gorgeous and the granite is perfect!
Some hard boulders were sent too, such as the 8a+ Daone trifecta: L'Avenir, Big Bamboo and Skydive, plus possibly the best 8a in the valley, Orkaloka."

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27 Crags
Il Risuolatore
King Rock
Varazze Core Climber