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BishopNazione: USA
Tipo di roccia: Granito e Vulcanica
Links Area:
Bishop Bouldering - Bishop Bouldering Blog
Powerandrubber - Info sull' area
Links Guida:
Rockfax - La vecchia guida
Tipo di roccia: Granito e Vulcanica
Links Area:
Bishop Bouldering - Bishop Bouldering Blog
Powerandrubber - Info sull' area
Links Guida:
Rockfax - La vecchia guida
Alcuni passaggi (41)
The Process
Lucid Dreaming
The Gold Standard
Direct North
The Spectre
The Swarm
A Maze of Death
Evilution Direct
North of Center
This side of Paradise
Magnetic North
Beautiful Gecko
Beefy Gecko
Central Direct
Cross Road
Golden Shower
Green Wall
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Harun Sea Of Stories
Iron Man Traverse
Jedi Mind Tricks
Mandala Direct Assis
Mandala sit start
Pope's Prow
Rastaman Vibration
Soul Slinger
Stained Glass
The aquarium
The Fall Guy
The Mystery
The Nose
The Oracle
Transporter Room
Elenco delle notizie relative a Bishop8C+
The Process
Lucid Dreaming
The Gold Standard
Direct North
The Spectre
The Swarm
A Maze of Death
Evilution Direct
North of Center
This side of Paradise
Magnetic North
Beautiful Gecko
Beefy Gecko
Central Direct
Cross Road
Golden Shower
Green Wall
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Harun Sea Of Stories
Iron Man Traverse
Jedi Mind Tricks
Mandala Direct Assis
Mandala sit start
Pope's Prow
Rastaman Vibration
Soul Slinger
Stained Glass
The aquarium
The Fall Guy
The Mystery
The Nose
The Oracle
Transporter Room
2024-05-22 Keenan Takahashi apre The Gold Standard 8C
2024-03-10 Zach Galla ripete The Process 8C+
2024-03-03 David Fitzgerald su Lucid Dreaming 8C
2024-02-16 Sean Bailey apre Devilution 8C+
2022-01-30 Katie Lambs su Direct North 8B+
2021-04-12 The Swarm 8B per Alex Johnson
2021-01-22 Katie Lamb: terza donna su The Swarm 8B
2020-02-17 Video: James Webb su Lucid Dreaming
2020-01-10 James Webb ripete Lucid Dreaming
2018-03-05 Michaela Kiersch su A Maze of Death 8A+
2017-12-09 Nina Williams su A Maze of Death 8A+
2017-03-07 Nina Williams, prima donna su Ambrosia
2017-02-26 Toru Nakajima ripete Lucid Dreaming
2016-12-21 Gabriele Moroni ripete Ambrosia
2015-02-11 Gallery: Alex Megos by Ken Etzel
2015-01-29 Alex Megos ripete Lucid Dreaming, 8C
2015-01-28 Daniel Woods apre The Process 8C+
2014-12-26 Ashima Shiraishi su Maze of Death 8A+
2014-03-08 Video: Ceria sui 'Giganti' di Bishop
2014-02-04 Lucid Dreaming, 8C per Daniel Woods
2013-04-02 Undicesimo 8C aperto da Paul Robinson
2012-12-24 Gallery: Winter Bouldering by Fitchinger
2012-02-09 Dave Graham apre nuovo 8B+
2012-01-13 Altri 8A per Mirko Caballero
2011-04-01 Ancora 8A+ per Thomasina Pidgeon
2011-02-17 Enzo Oddo ripete Ambrosia
2011-02-02 Jorg Verhoeven sale Mandala sit-start
2011-02-02 Alex Johnson ripete Mandala
2010-05-14 Ambrosia anche per Isaac Caldiero
2010-04-28 Chris Sharma ritorna a Bishop
2010-04-04 Lucid Dreaming: 8C+ per Paul Robinson
2010-03-03 Alex Honnold ripete Ambrosia
2010-03-02 Chris Webb Parsons a Bishop
2010-01-08 Il rientro di Chris Webb Parsons
2009-12-30 Charlie Barrett a Bishop.
2009-11-09 Fred Nicole in ottima forma
2009-02-18 Stained Glass per Tilly Parkins.
2009-01-24 Alex Johnson ai massimi livelli.
2009-01-20 Clifford e Wilder ripetono The Swarm.
2008-12-20 Sam Edwards ripete The Island.
2008-04-12 Mandala per Caminati e Bortoletto.
2008-03-28 Due nuove photo gallery.
2008-03-12 Moroni sale Mandala sit-start.
2008-01-29 Lisa Rands in video su NBC Sports.
2008-01-25 Lisa Rands, prima donna su Mandala.
2007-11-11 Aggiornata la gallery di Bishop 2007.
2007-02-20 Christian Core a Bishop.
2006-12-20 Kevin Jorgeson ripete The Swarm.
2006-05-05 Due 8b per Ethan Pringle.
2006-04-11 Un altro 8b+ per Daniel Woods.
2005-01-17 Gabriele Moroni a Hueco Tanks.
2004-12-09 Cicada Jenerik passa al V10.
2003-05-10 Raid USA per Stella Marchisio.
2003-05-10 Core ri-libera 'Goldfish trombone'.
2002-11-27 Colpo grosso per Lamiche.
2024-03-10 Zach Galla ripete The Process 8C+
2024-03-03 David Fitzgerald su Lucid Dreaming 8C
2024-02-16 Sean Bailey apre Devilution 8C+
2022-01-30 Katie Lambs su Direct North 8B+
2021-04-12 The Swarm 8B per Alex Johnson
2021-01-22 Katie Lamb: terza donna su The Swarm 8B
2020-02-17 Video: James Webb su Lucid Dreaming
2020-01-10 James Webb ripete Lucid Dreaming
2018-03-05 Michaela Kiersch su A Maze of Death 8A+
2017-12-09 Nina Williams su A Maze of Death 8A+
2017-03-07 Nina Williams, prima donna su Ambrosia
2017-02-26 Toru Nakajima ripete Lucid Dreaming
2016-12-21 Gabriele Moroni ripete Ambrosia
2015-02-11 Gallery: Alex Megos by Ken Etzel
2015-01-29 Alex Megos ripete Lucid Dreaming, 8C
2015-01-28 Daniel Woods apre The Process 8C+
2014-12-26 Ashima Shiraishi su Maze of Death 8A+
2014-03-08 Video: Ceria sui 'Giganti' di Bishop
2014-02-04 Lucid Dreaming, 8C per Daniel Woods
2013-04-02 Undicesimo 8C aperto da Paul Robinson
2012-12-24 Gallery: Winter Bouldering by Fitchinger
2012-02-09 Dave Graham apre nuovo 8B+
2012-01-13 Altri 8A per Mirko Caballero
2011-04-01 Ancora 8A+ per Thomasina Pidgeon
2011-02-17 Enzo Oddo ripete Ambrosia
2011-02-02 Jorg Verhoeven sale Mandala sit-start
2011-02-02 Alex Johnson ripete Mandala
2010-05-14 Ambrosia anche per Isaac Caldiero
2010-04-28 Chris Sharma ritorna a Bishop
2010-04-04 Lucid Dreaming: 8C+ per Paul Robinson
2010-03-03 Alex Honnold ripete Ambrosia
2010-03-02 Chris Webb Parsons a Bishop
2010-01-08 Il rientro di Chris Webb Parsons
2009-12-30 Charlie Barrett a Bishop.
2009-11-09 Fred Nicole in ottima forma
2009-02-18 Stained Glass per Tilly Parkins.
2009-01-24 Alex Johnson ai massimi livelli.
2009-01-20 Clifford e Wilder ripetono The Swarm.
2008-12-20 Sam Edwards ripete The Island.
2008-04-12 Mandala per Caminati e Bortoletto.
2008-03-28 Due nuove photo gallery.
2008-03-12 Moroni sale Mandala sit-start.
2008-01-29 Lisa Rands in video su NBC Sports.
2008-01-25 Lisa Rands, prima donna su Mandala.
2007-11-11 Aggiornata la gallery di Bishop 2007.
2007-02-20 Christian Core a Bishop.
2006-12-20 Kevin Jorgeson ripete The Swarm.
2006-05-05 Due 8b per Ethan Pringle.
2006-04-11 Un altro 8b+ per Daniel Woods.
2005-01-17 Gabriele Moroni a Hueco Tanks.
2004-12-09 Cicada Jenerik passa al V10.
2003-05-10 Raid USA per Stella Marchisio.
2003-05-10 Core ri-libera 'Goldfish trombone'.
2002-11-27 Colpo grosso per Lamiche.