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Home>News>Dai Koyamada apre Sanctum 8C/8C+
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Dai Koyamada apre Sanctum 8C/8C+

Dopo 12 giorni di tentativi, intervallati da una pausa a causa di un infortunio, Dai Koyamada riesce a salire "Sanctum", un nuovo blocco nell'area di Shirakawa, in Giappone.

"I did have a strange premonition but didn’t think I would be sending it today. And it came almost all too suddenly and easily, but thinking back on the process I went through it was a really hard struggle. Above all, this problem has such technical and complex moves that it took substantial amount of time and effort just to find and construct them into sequences."

Dai pensa che la difficoltà possa essere superiore ad 8C ma non sa se tanto da far salire la valutazione ad 8C+. Propone quindi 8C/8C+ e attende parere dei prossimi ripetitori.

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