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Home>News>Martin Stranik su Der mit dem Fels tanzt 8C
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Martin Stranik su Der mit dem Fels tanzt 8C

Ancora un 8C per Martin Stranik che a Chironico ripete "Der mit dem Fels tanzt".

"Super happy to repeat @swizzybouldering Der mit dem Fels Tanzt 8C in two days, this boulder is so cool with some crazy beta."

Si tratta del suo quarto 8C che va ad aggiungersi a quelli saliti tra il 2014 e il 2016: "Practice of the wild", "Catalán Witness the fitness" e "The Story of Two Worlds".

Per lui la terza salita di "Mithril Sit Start", 8B+ di Cresciano

"Finished trip climbing Mithril Sit 8B+, great campus tester. Quite struggle with melting snow, used roll of paper to make holds dry in the mantle and must finished in a nohand."

A Sobrio ripete anche "Ninja Skills", 8B+

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