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Home>News>Théo Chappex apre Ten Criminals 8C
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Théo Chappex apre Ten Criminals 8C

Impressionante livello per Théo Chappex che, alla soglia dei 40 anni, apre "Ten Criminals" nell'area del Valais e propone la valutazione di 8C.
Un lungo processo per venirne a capo, sviluppatosi in un arco di quattro anni per un totale di oltre 40 sessioni.

"Yes! Today was the day! For sure my longest project ever! Lately I’m not sure if I was still fighting against the physical/technical challenge or just against myself… But it was worth the fight and I’m proud to put up this new addition in the list of hard rigs in Valais.
Ten Criminals basically consists of 16 powerful movements on bad crimps, finishing in the tough last section of Manhattan R.C. 8b+. A gem in the purest Valais style!"

Theo ne parla dettagliatamente in una intervista su fanatic-climbing.com.

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