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Home>News>Aidan Roberts libera il sit start di Vecchio Leone 8C+
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Aidan Roberts libera il sit start di Vecchio Leone 8C+

Aidan Roberts riesce nella prima salita di un vecchio progetto di Brione: "Vecchio Leone (sit-start)", la partenza da seduti del famosissimo "Vecchio Leone" (8B), proponendo la quotazione di 8C+.

"Vecchio Leone SS - FA - 8C+

In a true boulderers style I’ve been meticulously making my way through the sit starts of the classics on this wall… Perhaps a nice excuse to run some laps on the worldclass top sections.

But this one is a bit of an age old project. Very obvious and rather deceptive. Upon first glance it looks as though a jump would be the easy solution but some subtle texture and rounded holds make them too poor to maintain tension, the alternative swing being far too wild for myself! Instead some poor feet and complex body tension was the solution for me. Plus I had a great time solving the sequence puzzle and sessioning with @shawnraboutou"

Il racconto e altre foto su Instagram.
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