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Matt Fultz su Creature from the Black Lagoon 8C+

Gran periodo di forma per Matt Fultz che risolve il suo quarto 8C+ con "Creature from the Black Lagoon" (video).

"It took 15-20 days spread out over 4 years. However, I discovered I was using pretty terrible beta, and after working out a different sequence I was able to send it in a couple more sessions. Creature is one of the most repeated 8C+s in the world, but in my opinion, it is definitely a step above all other 8Cs I’ve done, so the grade seems fair."

A giugno Matt era riuscito ad effettuare la quarta salita di "Grand Illusion", 8C+ aperto lo scorso anno da Nathaniel Coleman.

Oltre a questi per lui anche due recenti 8C, entrambi sul masso The Scoop a Coal Creek: "Traffic" (video) e "The Undertaker" (video), seconda salita dopo Griffin Whiteside.

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