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Giacomo Raimondi su Just be bad a Varazze
Ancora un bel blocco per Giacomo Raimondi che a Varazze ripete "Just be bad" 8B.
"One of my proudest ascent so far.
Very happy to have climbed this wonderful compression problem, even though it is my antistyle boulder because of the slopy features and the strength you need, I finally found the perfect conditions to put my hand in the final jug"
Alcune settimane fa, in Svizzera, Giacomo aveva risolto altri blocchi dello stesso grado: "Vecchio Leone" a Brione e "Dark Sakai" a Magic Wood.
"One of my proudest ascent so far.
Very happy to have climbed this wonderful compression problem, even though it is my antistyle boulder because of the slopy features and the strength you need, I finally found the perfect conditions to put my hand in the final jug"
Alcune settimane fa, in Svizzera, Giacomo aveva risolto altri blocchi dello stesso grado: "Vecchio Leone" a Brione e "Dark Sakai" a Magic Wood.
(da Instagram)