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Adam Ondra apre Ledoborec 8C+
Il giorno prima di risolvere "Brutal Rider" Adam Ondra riusciva a concatenare un'altra sequenza estrema a Moravský Kras: collegando "Blatant" (8B) e "Iceberg" (8C) prendeva vita "Ledoborec" (Rompighiaccio), da lui valutato 8C+ (9b/9b+ falesia).
"Long and pumpy linkup. Hard to say if it makes sense as a boulder problem or it is just a training linkup, but it links hard pieces of climbing into something which is fun and super fun to climb. It links "Blatant" (8B) with a few extra moves directly into start of "Iceberg" (8C). All in all you make roughly 8 moves of 8B directly into 8C (18 moves). It could be 9b/b+ sport climb."
Photo Gallery
Il video di "Iceberg" sul suo Canale YouTube.
"Long and pumpy linkup. Hard to say if it makes sense as a boulder problem or it is just a training linkup, but it links hard pieces of climbing into something which is fun and super fun to climb. It links "Blatant" (8B) with a few extra moves directly into start of "Iceberg" (8C). All in all you make roughly 8 moves of 8B directly into 8C (18 moves). It could be 9b/b+ sport climb."
Photo Gallery
Il video di "Iceberg" sul suo Canale YouTube.