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Adam Ondra apre Brutal Rider 8C+
Adam Ondra continua la visita alle aree boulder vicino a casa e questa volta, a Moravský Kras, inventa un concatenamento estremo: "Brutal Rider", a suo parere valutabile 8C+ (o 9b falesia).
La sequenza combina lo start di "Brutus" (8A+) per collegarsi a "Ghost Rider" (8C) per un totale di circa 25 movimenti.
"They might not be the best lines ever, they usually lack topouts, but they are hard, they are there and they simply need to be sent, especially as the moves are usually intricate and interesting! This spring I have had more time to focus on them. Watch the first ascent of Brutal Rider 8C+ (V16) in the next episode! The boulderproblem is long, it has 25 hard moves and could also be graded as hard 9b sport route. Last time, when I did an 8C+, was 10 years ago. It is a lower start into Ghost Rider, an 8C first ascended by Martin Stranik last year. And it links "Brutus", an 8A+ (Brutus exits left into relatively easy terrain) into the start of Ghost Rider."
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Il video sul suo Canale YouTube.
In precedenza Adam aveva risolto alcuni difficili passaggi nell'area di Hodonín: spicca in particolare la salita flash di "Fénixovy Slzy" 8A+ flash (video). Subito a fianco di questo Adam apre "Ohnivák", 8B, ripetuto alcuni giorni dopo da Martin Stranik (video) e Stepan Stranik.
La sequenza combina lo start di "Brutus" (8A+) per collegarsi a "Ghost Rider" (8C) per un totale di circa 25 movimenti.
"They might not be the best lines ever, they usually lack topouts, but they are hard, they are there and they simply need to be sent, especially as the moves are usually intricate and interesting! This spring I have had more time to focus on them. Watch the first ascent of Brutal Rider 8C+ (V16) in the next episode! The boulderproblem is long, it has 25 hard moves and could also be graded as hard 9b sport route. Last time, when I did an 8C+, was 10 years ago. It is a lower start into Ghost Rider, an 8C first ascended by Martin Stranik last year. And it links "Brutus", an 8A+ (Brutus exits left into relatively easy terrain) into the start of Ghost Rider."
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Il video sul suo Canale YouTube.
In precedenza Adam aveva risolto alcuni difficili passaggi nell'area di Hodonín: spicca in particolare la salita flash di "Fénixovy Slzy" 8A+ flash (video). Subito a fianco di questo Adam apre "Ohnivák", 8B, ripetuto alcuni giorni dopo da Martin Stranik (video) e Stepan Stranik.
(da Instagram)