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Terzo 8C per Ryohei Kameyama con Kuzan
Ryohei Kameyama sale il suo terzo 8C: "Kuzan", blocco aperto nel 2017 a Mie da Toshi Takeuchi. Sette movimenti di 8B+ per finire con un dinamico di 8B.
"This hard boulder was established two years ago by Toshi Takeuchi. I tried it for three sessions. I'm so happy and satisfied to feel my progress. I would like to try "Off the wagon low start" and "Sleepwalker". These boulders are so cool!"
"This hard boulder was established two years ago by Toshi Takeuchi. I tried it for three sessions. I'm so happy and satisfied to feel my progress. I would like to try "Off the wagon low start" and "Sleepwalker". These boulders are so cool!"
(da 8a.nu)