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Nuovo 8C per Nalle Hukkataival
Nalle Hukkataival realizza la prima salita di un altro 8C: "Road Sweet Home".
Il blocco, situato nei Grampians, era stato scoperto e pulito nel 2012 dallo stesso Nalle, il quale, non essendo riuscito a risolverne tutti i movimenti lo aveva un po' dimenticato.
"Last go, best go! First ascent of Road Sweet Home (V15) just as it's getting too dark to see! This grainy picture doesn't do justice to this beautiful boulder, but it's a striking line that caught my eye straight away. Flawless orange sandstone and just enough features on the rock to make it feasible. I found and cleaned it back in 2012, but since we never managed to do all the moves, it was slowly forgotten about. Until this year!! Stay tuned for the send footage!"
Il blocco, situato nei Grampians, era stato scoperto e pulito nel 2012 dallo stesso Nalle, il quale, non essendo riuscito a risolverne tutti i movimenti lo aveva un po' dimenticato.
"Last go, best go! First ascent of Road Sweet Home (V15) just as it's getting too dark to see! This grainy picture doesn't do justice to this beautiful boulder, but it's a striking line that caught my eye straight away. Flawless orange sandstone and just enough features on the rock to make it feasible. I found and cleaned it back in 2012, but since we never managed to do all the moves, it was slowly forgotten about. Until this year!! Stay tuned for the send footage!"
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