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Home>News>Niccolò Ceria ripete Meadowlark Lemon
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Niccolò Ceria ripete Meadowlark Lemon

Niccolò Ceria riesce nella ripetizione di "Meadowlark Lemon", problema aperto nel 2012 da Paul Robinson a Red Rocks.
Avendo usato una sequenza più facile rispetto a quella originaria, Niccolò propone il grado di 8B+.

"Forse la mia più difficile battsglia mentale per un boulder. Un problema di classe mondiale."

"The boulder Is one of the most impressive I have ever seen and it is for sure at the top of the high quality lines I sent. I felt to say hats off to Paul Robinson to have put this stunning line, it is defenitely a materpiece of bouldering. I also had to say that I used a different beta from him, Since the new ways are easier. I just tried a bit with the sequence he used and I quickly understood how much harder it would have been."

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