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Warrior Up, 8B+ per James Webb


James Webb effettua la terza salita di "Warrior Up", boulder aperto nel 2010 da Daniel Woods a Mt. Evans.
James suggerisce il grado di 8B+ in luogo dell' 8C assegnatogli da Daniel.
"3rd ascent. Really psyched to put it together. Didn't think it was possible for me at first. Don't know about the 8C though.. at least for my height."
Il video della prima salita sul canale Vimeo di Courtney Sanders.
James suggerisce il grado di 8B+ in luogo dell' 8C assegnatogli da Daniel.
"3rd ascent. Really psyched to put it together. Didn't think it was possible for me at first. Don't know about the 8C though.. at least for my height."
Il video della prima salita sul canale Vimeo di Courtney Sanders.
(da 8a.nu)