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Traversi: prima ripetizione di The Game


Carlo Traversi realizza la prima ripetizione di "The Game", 8C (+), a Boulder Canyon.
Carlo esprime tutta la sua stima per l'apritore, Daniel Woods, sia come persona che come climber, e lo descrive come il più 'visionario' arrampicatore della sua generazione.
Riguardo il grado ritiene invece forse più appropriata la valutazione di 8C in luogo dell' iniziale 8C+ proposto da Daniel.
Il video della salita su Vimeo.
Le sue parole:
"2nd Ascent. 5 days. First of all, the utmost respect goes to Daniel for establishing this line. In terms of strength and ability, he is by far the visionary leader of our generation. Not to mention, he's also one of the nicest and most respectful people you'll ever meet.
As for the grade of this one, I honestly don't know. 8C seems appropriate only because I haven't climbed any others. It's a hard boulder, that's fun to climb on, and seems to fit my style very well. Let's just leave it at that..."
Carlo esprime tutta la sua stima per l'apritore, Daniel Woods, sia come persona che come climber, e lo descrive come il più 'visionario' arrampicatore della sua generazione.
Riguardo il grado ritiene invece forse più appropriata la valutazione di 8C in luogo dell' iniziale 8C+ proposto da Daniel.
Il video della salita su Vimeo.
Le sue parole:
"2nd Ascent. 5 days. First of all, the utmost respect goes to Daniel for establishing this line. In terms of strength and ability, he is by far the visionary leader of our generation. Not to mention, he's also one of the nicest and most respectful people you'll ever meet.
As for the grade of this one, I honestly don't know. 8C seems appropriate only because I haven't climbed any others. It's a hard boulder, that's fun to climb on, and seems to fit my style very well. Let's just leave it at that..."
(da 8a.nu)