Invia i dati delle aree boulder che conosci, contribuirai ad arricchire la mappa delle aree italiane
Alcuni passaggi (32)
Return of the Sleepwalker
The Nest
Trieste Sit
Meadowlark Lemon
Meadowlark Lemon stand start
Clogging the feed
Half Magic
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Lethal Design
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
Power Save
Power Slave
The Shining Path
Wet Dream
Book of Nightmares
$600 slab
Bowman's Pretty Face
Fear of a Black Hat
Orange Top Blue Sky
Make Believe
Angel dyno
Atlas shrugged
Progressive guy
Red Dragon
Siren's call
Stand and deliver
Tail pipe
Elenco delle notizie relative a Red Rocks9A
Return of the Sleepwalker
The Nest
Trieste Sit
Meadowlark Lemon
Meadowlark Lemon stand start
Clogging the feed
Half Magic
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Lethal Design
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
Power Save
Power Slave
The Shining Path
Wet Dream
Book of Nightmares
$600 slab
Bowman's Pretty Face
Fear of a Black Hat
Orange Top Blue Sky
Make Believe
Angel dyno
Atlas shrugged
Progressive guy
Red Dragon
Siren's call
Stand and deliver
Tail pipe
2024-01-24 Will Bosi su Sleepwalker
2023-11-26 8A+/8B flash per Brooke Raboutou
2023-02-10 Ryuichi Murai su Sleepwalker 8C+
2022-03-12 Alex Puccio su Hailstorm e Maeadowlark Lemon stand
2022-03-02 Michaela Kiersch su Hailstorm 8B+
2022-02-02 Elias Iagnemma apre Ganesh 8C+
2022-01-13 Allison Vest su Army of the Dead 8B
2021-12-13 Brooke Raboutou su Trieste 8B+
2021-11-25 Video: Taylor McNeill apre Moonlight Sonata 8C+
2021-06-25 Video: Daniel Woods su Return of the Sleepwalker 9A
2021-06-09 Pablo Hammack apre Love will tear us apart 8C
2021-04-05 Daniel Woods apre Return of the Sleepwalker 9A
2021-02-15 Matt Fultz su Sleepwalker 8C+
2021-01-07 Nathan Williams ripete Sleepwalker 8C+
2020-06-03 Random US: Niccolò Ceria USA tour 2019 (video e gallery)
2020-01-28 Drew Ruana ripete Sleepwalker 8C+
2019-04-16 8C e 8B+ per Keenan Takahashi
2019-02-04 Sleepwalker anche per Nalle Hukkataival
2019-02-04 Sleepwalker: nuovo 8C+ per James Webb
2018-02-16 Takahashi e Pringle ripetono The Nest 8C
2016-12-31 James Webb ripete Kintsugi 8C
2016-12-10 Buona ripresa per Alex Puccio
2015-01-25 Nalle Hukkataival ripete The Nest 8C
2014-08-18 Video: Niccolò Ceria a Red Rocks
2014-03-20 Video: Nalle Hukkataival a Red Rocks
2014-03-19 Video: Ceria su Meadowlark Lemon V14
2014-03-17 Paul Robinson a Red Rocks
2014-03-02 Jakob Schubert: 8B flash ma si infortuna
2014-02-26 Due 8a+ per Katharina Posch
2014-02-16 Lethal Design, 8A+ per Katharina Saurwein
2014-02-03 Niccolò Ceria ripete Meadowlark Lemon
2014-01-07 8A+ e 8B per Mirko Caballero
2013-12-29 The Nest, nuovo 8C a Red Rocks
2013-12-08 Tre ripetizioni di Meadowlark Lemon 8C
2013-03-25 8A+ a Red Rocks per Caroline Sinno
2013-02-23 Anche Traversi su Meadowlark Lemon 8C
2013-01-24 Ripetizioni di 8C negli USA
2012-02-09 Settimo 8A+ per Alex Johnson
2012-01-13 Nuovo 8C per Paul Robinson
2023-11-26 8A+/8B flash per Brooke Raboutou
2023-02-10 Ryuichi Murai su Sleepwalker 8C+
2022-03-12 Alex Puccio su Hailstorm e Maeadowlark Lemon stand
2022-03-02 Michaela Kiersch su Hailstorm 8B+
2022-02-02 Elias Iagnemma apre Ganesh 8C+
2022-01-13 Allison Vest su Army of the Dead 8B
2021-12-13 Brooke Raboutou su Trieste 8B+
2021-11-25 Video: Taylor McNeill apre Moonlight Sonata 8C+
2021-06-25 Video: Daniel Woods su Return of the Sleepwalker 9A
2021-06-09 Pablo Hammack apre Love will tear us apart 8C
2021-04-05 Daniel Woods apre Return of the Sleepwalker 9A
2021-02-15 Matt Fultz su Sleepwalker 8C+
2021-01-07 Nathan Williams ripete Sleepwalker 8C+
2020-06-03 Random US: Niccolò Ceria USA tour 2019 (video e gallery)
2020-01-28 Drew Ruana ripete Sleepwalker 8C+
2019-04-16 8C e 8B+ per Keenan Takahashi
2019-02-04 Sleepwalker anche per Nalle Hukkataival
2019-02-04 Sleepwalker: nuovo 8C+ per James Webb
2018-02-16 Takahashi e Pringle ripetono The Nest 8C
2016-12-31 James Webb ripete Kintsugi 8C
2016-12-10 Buona ripresa per Alex Puccio
2015-01-25 Nalle Hukkataival ripete The Nest 8C
2014-08-18 Video: Niccolò Ceria a Red Rocks
2014-03-20 Video: Nalle Hukkataival a Red Rocks
2014-03-19 Video: Ceria su Meadowlark Lemon V14
2014-03-17 Paul Robinson a Red Rocks
2014-03-02 Jakob Schubert: 8B flash ma si infortuna
2014-02-26 Due 8a+ per Katharina Posch
2014-02-16 Lethal Design, 8A+ per Katharina Saurwein
2014-02-03 Niccolò Ceria ripete Meadowlark Lemon
2014-01-07 8A+ e 8B per Mirko Caballero
2013-12-29 The Nest, nuovo 8C a Red Rocks
2013-12-08 Tre ripetizioni di Meadowlark Lemon 8C
2013-03-25 8A+ a Red Rocks per Caroline Sinno
2013-02-23 Anche Traversi su Meadowlark Lemon 8C
2013-01-24 Ripetizioni di 8C negli USA
2012-02-09 Settimo 8A+ per Alex Johnson
2012-01-13 Nuovo 8C per Paul Robinson